Friday, April 01, 2005

Prepare to leap - pay attention to mind and body

This morning I heard the morning news in one of the news channels that the one more bolywood film of yesteryears featuring Meena Kumari is being recast in color. Not that I am an avid filmi buff or a Meena Kumari fan, but what struck me was that lot of B&W hollywood films were also in the process of getting the same treatment and most of them will be rendered color in India.

With more and more jobs coming to India, the jobs scene here India has never looked more promising. In the past few years i have felt this palpable change slowly coming in. There are jobs today in all the fields and in all professions. The hollywood films being rendered in colour for example is a huge job opportunity coming to India. Most of these jobs are highly paid ones. But are all job seekers tuned to the requirements/demands of these new opportunities. ?

Communication technology and internet technology in particular can be said to be fairly responsible for this mighty movement. Almost all the global companies want to have a Back office in India or one of the eastern countries. In Technology design and the software area India has the upper hand having a vast pool of highly knowlegeable worrkers.

The demands/requirements however of these jobs have never to be sidelined. All employers today expect quality effective output from their employees. The employee many times does not have an idea how these pressures effects him nor does he know/have the tools/means to overcome it. More and more people are falling prey to the health problems. Depression and Heart attack among the young has become quite common.

As students and prospective job seekers, how can they prepare themselves for this opportunity and what more have they to know/learn so that these opportunities do not end up in becoming personal tragedies?

One thing is certain that all these new jobs require skills that are not altogether thought in the schools and colleges. With rapid changes in technology and the dynamic nature of the business environment, it is, but difficult to expect teachers / institutes to come up with solutions / plans for their students. Student today should take his teacher mearly as a guide and take the daunting challenge of preparing himself for the future on himself.

Self motivation will be the first requirement of any success. In this fast paced environment only the motivated will gather the necessary momemtum.

Health is Wealth is an old age proverb. Maintaining good body and good mind is of utmost importance. The excitement of new opportunities and the glamour of the environment can quickly turn a promising career into tragedy for the sole reason of neglecting health.

There is a job today in every discipline and for every one. The current environment/upbeat mood, however requires a closer look by the prospective job seeker. The job requirements can be quite demanding with life threatening/damaging consequences. It is only with sustained motivation, cool head and a fit body that a young job seeker/student can help himself build a successful carreer.


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